9 Best Free Backlink Checker Tools to Spy Your Competitors in 2023

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Want to know about the best free backlink checker tools? Invest in your efforts to increase organic traffic through an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy to grow your business online. You must understand the factors that influence your site’s ranking. And one of them, you will be dealing with backlinks.

If you want to learn how to check backlinks and look for the free backlink checker tools, the following references are quite useful.

This post will also discuss what backlinks are, the benefits of backlinks, and how to check backlinks through the free backlinks checker tools.

What is a Backlink?

But so that you don’t have to leave this page, we will give a brief overview of what a backlink is.

A backlink is formed when one website mentions another website on its site, which is through a link. This is the process of making a connection via an external website. These connections help drive traffic to your site and increase the authority of your site.

For example, let’s say Company A writes a blog post about how to get a credit card. Company B, a leading credit card company, linked to the article on their website. For Company A, this link is a backlink.

Backlinks are also known as incoming links or inbound/incoming links. To understand more about the backlink concept and how it works, read on; What is a Hyperlink?


However, if you want a backlink to add value to your site, it must be a natural link. There are opportunities out there that will allow you to pay for links to your website, but if you do, you run the risk of reducing your ranking or being blocked by Google.

It’s not okay. But it is risky and must be done professionally and carefully not to be considered SPAM or in the black hat SEO category.

In essence, it’s better to have a few high-quality backlinks than lots of low-quality links. High-quality backlinks will drive better results for your business and help you rank search results.

Types of Backlinks

Google determines whether a website’s backlink is relevant to a related topic by looking at the type of backlink.

There are two types of backlinks that determine the quality of your backlinks, namely:

  • DoFollow Backlinks: This type of backlink is the dream of all website owners because these backlinks send signals to Google to index the destination link. So that the intended website is more “visible” and Of your website can increase its ranking. 
  • Nofollow Backlinks: A no-follow backlink is an attribute in HTML rel = no-follow that provides code to search engines not to follow the painted link.  Usually, no-follow backlinks are used when you don’t want to give backlinks for free and avoid backlink spam.

SEO Benefits of Backlinks

Backlinks are essential for a blog or website. because they determine the site pages’ authority, you must have a high authority domain to appear in more relevant search results.

When you get a backlink, it serves as a symbol that other websites are supporting your content. If Google sees that some high authority sites link back to your page, it will assume that you have relevant content that is worthy of linking to other websites.

If it is worthy of being connected, Google considers that it deserves a higher ranking in search results. It is ranking high, allowing your site to get traffic organically from search engines. And this is the primary goal of SEO.

Backlinks also determine the relevance of your site pages. If you discuss a specific subject and high authority sites link to your page on their content (on the same subject), it tells Google that; your page is relevant to a related subject. This process helps you rank better for the topic.

Backlinks are like support for your website. It’s how authority sites validate your information and help Google see it as relevant. A high-quality website linking to your site is high-value support.

Apart from the technical aspects, backlinks also offer many other benefits:

  • Building Relationships: When you reach authority blogs and websites, you create opportunities to build relationships with these sites. Long-term relationships with great peoples in your industry is a great way to grow your business confidence.
  • Getting referral traffic: When these authority sites link to your page, it directs relevant traffic to your page. This will increase traffic to your website and potentially increase sales on your page.
  • Branding and branding: Getting backlinks helps you build authority in your industry. You will get more backlinks, which will help more people find your brand. It’s a great way to make your business authority on a subject and get more people to recognize your brand.

How to Get Tons of Quality Backlinks?

If you are wondering if any high authority sites have been linked to your website? If so, you can check your backlinks using free backlink checker tools. The backlink checker tool will help you see who or what sites have ‘linked’ to the pages of your site.

How; In most tools, you will enter the URL of your choice into the website’s search bar, generating data about the associated page. These free backlink checker tools will help you see the links pointing to that page, in addition to page authority and other valuable information.

Read also(must for link building)

Keep reading to learn more about this backlink checker tool!

Best Accurate Free Backlink Checker Tools

These free backlink checker tools help you see who has provided backlinks to your site, so you can take advantage of those links and build relationships with sites linking to your pages.

Let’s look at seven free backlink checker tools to help you see relevant data about websites linked to your website.

1. Ahrefs – Best Free Backlink Checker Tool

Cost: Seven-day trial for $ 7, plans ranging from $ 99- $ 999 per month. Also available, this free version is quite useful for beginners.

Ahrefs is one of the best free backlink checker tools, which provides the best backlink data. It’s one of my backlink checkers. In my opinion, this tool is the most popular among companies looking for a high-quality backlink checker tool or way. Ahrefs provides a lot of data that can help you manage and get backlinks.

When you visit Ahref’s backlink checker tool, the way to check backlinks is to enter the website URL into the column provided. This tool will work automatically, and then you receive information about other sites that link to the page.

You can also enter the competitor’s site URLs to track the source of their backlinks. This is useful for measuring enemy strength. Oh, Enemy!

After you enter the URL, you will see all the links pointing to that particular web page. This backlink checker tool also provides additional information, such as the domain’s rank and the number of times it was linked to your site.

Ahrefs allows you to view new, broken, and missing links to a site. Knowing that there are new backlinks, you can start making playlists with those sites for an even better relationship. Knowing that there are broken and missing backlinks, you can contact the website you were initially linked to and fix the link again.

This tool also allows you to monitor backlink profiles. You will see the growth and decline of your backlinks, as well as the organic traffic that visits each page. Ahrefs also helps you see which pages drive the most success with the most linked pages feature.

Overall, Ahrefs provides quality data on backlinks. Whether you want to see backlinks or the competition, you will find lots of useful information to help you change your strategy to build backlinks for the better.

2. Moz Link Explorer

Cost: There is a free option. It would help if you used the advanced and paid options from $ 99- $ 599 per month for more in-depth analysis.

Moz Link Explorer provides you with valuable data that helps you build better backlinks for your business. You can check website links and get results in seconds.

This is a powerful backlink checker tool that allows you to get more in-depth data to build research into more efficient backlink-building strategies.

To check backlinks via Moz Link Explorer, all you have to do is enter the website URL in the search bar. Then it automatically generates information about the link to the associated URL. You will see information about the incoming connection, the anchor text used, the linking page’s authority, and the spam score.

Moz Link Explorer offers you the opportunity to do the following:

  • Search for potential backlinks
  • Fix broken links to your site
  • See new or missing links.
  • Examining competitors’ backlines
  • Find link-building opportunities.
  • Analysis of anchor text used in backlinks
  • Use link data to create better content.
  • You can get unlimited opportunities from Moz Link Explorer data. It’s a valuable tool that will help you manage every aspect of your backlinks so that you can get the best out of them.

3. Semrush

Cost: A free trial version is available. Costs range from $ 99- $ 399 + per month

SEMrush is also the best tool for checking website backlinks. This tool has a massive database of information that is updated daily. This constant update allows you to check your business backlink information accurately from time to time.

With SEMrush, you can accurately check and monitor the backlinks of your site, as well as the backlinks of your competitors.

This tool helps you find ways to beat your competitors in search results. You can track several competing websites at once and learn about who linked them.

SEMrush allows you to see backlinks pointing to your domain. Both in terms of quantity and quality. You can do in-depth link analysis, which will enable you to:

  • See the number of backlinks
  • Knowing the backlink source domain authority
  • Seeing the anchor text on the backlink
  • View linking URL and page title
  • Know where the link came from (geographically)

This backlink checker tool helps you understand who is linking to your site and their website authority. You can check your backlinks to see if these links provide any link juice to your website.

Link juice is the value passed from one site to another. So you can see if the high-value sites link to your page and give you more link juice.

The SEMrush tool is the best way to see backlinks. Able to understand backlinks in depth. You can make use of the information obtained about it.

4. BuzzSumo

Cost: A free trial version is available, $ 99- $ 499 + per month

Buzzsumo is one of the best backlink checkers to analyze your backlinks as well as your competitors.

This tool lets you check keywords and domain names. If you choose to search by keyword, you can view the highest pages for that particular keyword and see the links pointing to that page. This resource is great if you want to rank higher for specific keywords.

Buzzsumo also allows you to search for various domains and see who links to those sites. This tool’s dashboard is very user-friendly, so you can easily search for multiple domains and get the valuable information you need.

When you use this tool, you will also get notifications about new links. This allows you to track who is linking to your business and build relationships with those websites. Buzzsumo is great for organic growth with backlinks.

It also helps you see which pages are getting backlinks. These insights make it easier for you to optimize your strategy to get more backlinks for pages that may not be performing well. Overall, Buzzsumo is a simple and effective tool to help you review backlinks and get new links.

5. Google Search Console

100% free backlink checker tool by Google

Google Search Console is a free backlink checker tool that you can use to improve your site’s ranking in search results. This tool allows you to monitor and maintain your site’s presence in search results.

When you use Google Search Console, you will see if Google can crawl your site. Crawling is important because it helps Google understand your website’s context and use that information to rank your pages in search results.

Google Search Console helps you fix indexing problems, which may be preventing sites from finding your pages and linking them.

Google Search Console also allows you to view search traffic data on your site and see how often you appear in Google search results. You will also see which queries returned to your website in the search results.

All this information helps you understand how other websites find your content and link to it. You can see which sites link to yours and how your search results’ position affects your connections. This can help you understand how your ranking affects the number of backlinks you receive for a website.

Google Search Console is a must-have tool for you if you plan to optimize your website for SEO.

6. Majestic

Cost: $ 49- $ 399 per month

Majestic is one of the oldest free backlink checker tools on the web. This tool has a lot to offer your business. If you want to monitor your backlink portfolio, Majestic provides a lot of great information to help you learn about your backlinks.

When you’re at Majestic, you can enter your domain into the search box. This tool offers a lot of information, including information about:

  • External backlinks
  • Referencing IP
  • Referring to subnets
  • Referencing domain
  • Backlink history

This information provides you with insight into who provided the backlinks to pages on your site. And how you can get more backlinks for your business.

You will be able to see the number of backlinks and understand which pages are performing better. And which parts still need backlinks to rank in search engines.

7. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest: Completely free backlink checker tool

Ubersuggest is a free backlink checker tool created by Neil Patel (Entrepreneur and Online Marketing Expert). One of the world’s marketing masters. He made this tool to help companies find out who is linking to them and who links to competitors. This is an excellent tool for your business if you are looking for an efficient tool that doesn’t eat up your pockets.

This tool allows you to view a lot of in-depth information, including:

  • Domain score
  • Page score
  • Total number of backlinks to a page
  • Total number of Nofollow links
  • Referencing domain
  • Anchor text
  • Link-type

Ubersuggest also lets you do a competitive analysis. This competitive analysis helps you find new link-building opportunities and see who links to competitors but not you. This creates excellent opportunities to increase your site’s ranking in search results and get more backlinks.

This tool also helps you identify the best linking opportunities. With advanced link filtering, you can filter links by:

  • Territory
  • Text
  • Domain score
  • And again

These filters will help you see where you have the opportunity to get backlinks for your pages.

You can get all of this and more by using the Ubersuggest free backlink checker tool. This is a great resource to help you learn more about who is linking to your business and how you can get more link opportunities.

8. LinkMiner

Linkminer free backlink checker tool

In the seventh, there is LinkMiner as a free backlink checker tool that you can use. This Mangools backlink checker can be a minimal-budget solution.

After creating an account, you can type in the URL you want to check on the dashboard on the Backlink Analysis menu, and you will get a screen like the one below.

You can set data options in the report above, among others, All, New (new backlink), and Lost (missing backlink). 

You can also enable filters to view Dofollow and Nofollow backlinks and Active or Deleted backlinks.

Although LinkMiner does not present as much backlink data as other backlink checkers, the table you can see is complete with additions containing:

  • AR (Alexa Ranking) – Ranking page of the backlink provider in Alexa.
  • LS (Link Strength) – the strength/quality of backlinks, usually influenced by several factors such as Citation Flow, Trust Flow, Dofollow / Nofollow, and so on.

Besides, there is a summary of the quality of the backlinks. You do this by looking at the Citation Flow, Trust Flow, Reference IPs, Reference Domains, and how many Active Backlinks. 

Especially for Ref. IPs, Ref. Domains and Active Backlinks, the data presented by LinkMiner is sourced from Majestic’s Fresh Index, which we will discuss next.


  • I can see a preview of the backlinks page on mobile and desktop.
  • There is a ‘favorite’ URL feature that can store backlink data.
  • Can check competitors’ backlinks.
  • There are free SEO tools to maximize the link-building process.

9. NinjaSEO – Backlink Checker Tools


Backlinks are the hyperlinks that connect one website’s page to another website’s page. These are used to boost the site’s credibility.

Pages having a good number of backlinks tend to score well in organic search results. To avoid losing website rankings, we need a backlink checker to analyze the entire backlink profile. We can effortlessly manage all of the backlinks with the NinjaSEO free Backlink Checker. Just enter the domain name for which you want to check backlinks. The total number of internal links, external links, backlinks, referring domains, the domain’s Alexa rank, and the Google Page Rank(PR) results are displayed.

Look for internal links that connect pages on your website. Also, seek external links that connect your website to other websites. Compare any website’s backlinks, stay up to date, and stay ahead of the competition.

Free Backlink Checker Comparison: Which Is Your Choice?

The backlink checker aims to find out the quality of the backlinks on your website. For that, the backlink checker tool is a practical solution so that your SEO efforts are not in vain. 

Here we present a brief comparison between the eight backlink checker tools that have been discussed.

Backlink CheckerProsConsPremium Version Pricing
Ahrefs– Easy to use. 
– Very detailed backlink report. 
– Provides real-time and historical backlink info. 
– Notification feature if there are new or missing backlinks.
Must subscribe 
– Trial USD 7/7 days. 
– Premium: USD 99 – USD 999 / month.
SEMrush– Identify all incoming backlinks to domains, subdomains, and pages. 
– There is information on the quality of the backlink providing the domain and its geographic location. 
– Top pages feature. 
– Can track and compare competitors’ backlinks. 
– Backlink disavow feature. 
– Can be integrated with Google tools. 
– Very detailed backlink report.
The appearance looks very 
professional needs adjustment for beginners.
– 7 days free version. 
– Premium: USD 99.95 – USD 399.95 / month.
UberSuggest– Summary reports (statistics and tables) backlinks are very detailed and easy to read. 
– There is a backlink historical growth graph. 
– Intuitive display. Can see competitors’ backlinks. 
– User-friendly interface. 
– Equipped with statistics to read data easier.
The use of the free version is very limited.– Limited free version. 
– Premium: USD 12 – USD 40 / month.
Moz Pro– Quick download feature per report. 
View and compare competitors’ backlinks. 
– Identify broken links. 
– Checking for spam backlinks.
The subscription price is 
– Limited free version. 
– Premium: USD 99 – USD 599 / month.
BuzzSumo– Easy to use. 
– List of trending content and competitor content. 
– Lots of information about social media engagement.
– The report details are not complete like the others. 
– Focus more on 
backlink data from social media.
– Limited free version. 
– Premium: USD 99 – USD 499 + / month.
LinkMiner– See the preview of the page backlink on mobile and desktop. 
– URL ‘favorite’ feature to store backlink data. 
– Check competitors’ backlinks. 
– There are free SEO tools to maximize the link-building process.
Some of the data come from other backlink checkers.– Free for 10 days. 
– Pro: USD 29.90 – USD 79.90 / month.
Majestic SEO– Backlink checker feature based on the historic index and fresh index. 
– Complete features and data. 
– Display contains graphics and is clean. 
– There is customer support.
– Dofollow and nofollow link data are not available.
– Free features are very limited.
– Limited free version. 
– Pro: USD 49.99 – USD 399.99 / month.
NinjaSEO– It is Easy to use
– Support
– Sometimes takes much time to load data.– $14.99/mo

FAQs – Best Free Backlink Checker Tools in 2021

What is a backlink checker tool?

Backlinks checker is a web-based tool with an algorithmic system that allows you to view a website’s backlinks—both in the form of quantity, quality, source, and other essential factors.

Which backlink checker tool is the best?

I have tried most of the free backlink checker tools for checking backlinks. All have their uniqueness and versions. However, most of them have the same standards in measuring the number and quality of backlinks. Choose one, and take advantage of each existing feature. I recommended the Ahrefs free backlink checker tool.

What are the benefits of knowing how to view backlinks?

Backlinks are closely related to SEO, especially with the term SEO Off-Page strategy. So when you do the backlink building technique, seeing backlinks both in terms of number, quality, and other factors is essential. Backlink checker allows you to see the progress of your SEO Off-Page performance.


Once you know how to check backlinks for your business site, you can start getting more backlinks, beginning to develop a backlink-building strategy.

This way of seeing backlinks through the best free backlink checker tools will provide you with valuable data. Which then can be used to check the success of the backlink building strategy that you have done.

It takes time and effort to monitor backlinks and create a strategy to get quality backlinks. If you liked this post, then please share it.

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Vishal Meena
Vishal Meena

Hey! I'm Vishal Meena from Rajasthan, India. A Digital Marketer and founder of WayToidea. I Share Strategies Related to Blogging, SEO and Digital Marketing.


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