21 Ways To Increase Website Traffic (Free and Fast) – 2023

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It’s easy to do SEO when you got an old site that already has a tons of backlinks. Then you will increase website traffic quickly, but then we talk about a new website, then?

It’s easy to spend money on paid advertising when you’re already rich, and you’re an established company. But what happens when you’re a new website? How can you increase website traffic?

You will have to learn about blogging before knowing about SEO and making a career in blogging.

Well, if these are the things you’re doing on your new website, your chance of creating a successful blog is slim.

The truth is that even if people are interested in what you’re writing about, they can’t visit your site if they can’t find you.

And even if they find you, traffic is meaningless unless you can get them to read your content.

In today’s post, I will cover 18 essential blogging tips that will help you to increase website traffic to your blog to become a successful blogger.

What’s up, bloggers? Vishal here with WayToidea, the blog that helps you to increase website traffic, fast and free.

Now, while there’s nothing wrong with blogging about your passions, creating a successful blog goes beyond just you.

You should be a half-decent writer, understand the technical elements of blogging, and social strategies to help you take your blog from nothing to something.

So rather than giving you a popcorn bowl full of random blogging tips.

1. Write Better To Increase Website Traffic

You need to become a better writer, to increase website traffic, see how.

The first bucket is all about becoming a better writer. And the first tip that falls in this bucket is to focus on a specific part of your niche.

Now, you might label yourself as a food blogger. But by covering the topic of “food” as a whole, you may be spreading yourself too thin.

For example, even if you could publish two posts per day for an entire year on subtopics.

Like grilling food, smoothies, vegetarian diets, slow cooker recipes, nutrition, and more, it’d be tough to compete with larger sites, such as cherry picks or those that are just focusing on one of those topics.

So, in my opinion, it’s better to focus on being a master of one than a jack of all trades.

So focus on becoming the go-to place people go to find smoothie recipes. Become the go-to place where people go for grilling techniques.

And after you’ve dominated that niche audience, you can try and expand to other subtopics to reach new audiences.

Then you’ll increase website traffic. That’s Will make your blog more successful.

2. Create Quality Content 

The second tip is to create content that’s worth referencing. This is the central part of increasing traffic to your website.

Referencing requires attribution. And attribution in the world of blogging equals links.

Links from other websites are important because search engines like Google use them to help decide which pages should rank high in the search engines.

How To Create Quality Content

Now, how do you create content that’s worth referencing? I’ve got three nuggets of wisdom for you.

The first way is to create content that’s unique and interesting to your industry.

For example, we ran an experiment where we spent over $50,000 on podcast advertisements. And to the best of our knowledge, no one had written this kind of post.

And this resulted in around 140 unique websites linking to this page in a short time.

Another way to get people to refer to your posts is to include statistics.

Ahref’s blog has over 2,500 backlinks because of a stat. And this is one of the reasons why we continually publish data studies. They’re link magnets.

Now, ahref has access to a ton of data because it is integrated into their SEO tools suite. But you don’t need anything fancy like this to use this tip.

For, example a good chunk of OutwitTrade comes from stats. And they’re often referencing his results, like growing his organic traffic by 111%.

And it was boosting conversions by 785%. And it also works outside of the marketing niche.

Nerdwallet has nearly 29,000 backlinks because of a mention of a stat. Naturally, as people blog, they want to provide supporting resources that back up their claims.

3. Use Unique Images

Finally, include unique images that are worth “stealing.” Creating high-quality images is challenging.

That’s a turning point to become a successful blogger. This means that it’s a point of leverage for those willing to put in the effort.

We often add custom images within our posts, whether they be graphs from our data studies or illustrations that help better explain concepts.

Not only do they create a better experience for readers, but they result in links. You can see from my blog stats, I’ve got around 820 links pointing at JPG images on my site.

And then another 1,600 links to PNG images.

4. Make Your Post Easy to Read

Alright, the next tip is to make your posts easy to read. In the words of our CMO, “Nobody likes to read.

They just want the information. If they could download it to their brain, they would.” And to do that, you need to ensure your posts are easy to read and use.

Here are a few tips on how to do that.

How To Make Your Post Easy to Read: (To Increase Website Traffic Organically)

Use short paragraphs instead of giant walls of text. Short paragraphs help readers progress through your article in small and easy steps.

Next, break up long sentences because they’re hard to follow. Break up these sentences by finding places where you used words like “and,” “because,” and “that.” Next, use multimedia in your posts.

So whether that be videos, images, or GIFs, they can often help illustrate your points clearer than words.

Finally, write in a conversational tone. The easiest way to check this is to read your copy out loud. If it sounds like you’re talking to a friend, you’re on the right track.

But if it sounds like you’re competing in a national debate, try again.

1. Write Worthy Title and Headlines:

The next tip is to write click-worthy headlines that aren’t clickbait.

The one thing that separates your website from a user is a click. Fail to get clicks, and you fail to increase website traffic.

Now, since most people will find your web pages through search or social, you want to craft a headline that accurately represents your article without sounding boring.

For example, an article titled: “15 Best Headphones” gets the point across. But it’s boring.

Second Example: A recommended guide on how to hide WiFi SSID? Connect hidden WiFi?

Something like “15 Best High-End Headphones For Under $100” is more click-worthy because it tells the reader that the headphones are of high quality, and high-end headphones are usually a lot more than $100.

And the same with the second example.

2. Write Introduction Using the ‘APP Formula.’

The next tip is to write introductions using the APP formula. The headline’s job is to get the reader to click through to the page.

Then, your intro needs to hook them in so that they’ll read the rest of the post. To do that, we use the APP formula, which stands for “align, present, and proof.”

First, you need to align yourself with the reader’s problem. Then you present your post as the solution to that problem.

And then you finish off with some proof as to why they should trust you.

Here’s an example. In the first sentence, we align ourselves with the reader by saying, “Looking to grow your YouTube channel and attract more views?”

We then present our solution by saying that “the trick is to target topics with search demand.”

Finally, we end it off with proof by showing them that we’ve grown our YouTube channel from 10,000 to over 200,000 monthly views in around a year.

Keep your intros short, on point, and focus on addressing why the reader is on that page in the first place.

5. Create Feedback Loop

The last writing tip I have for you is to create feedback loops.

Your first draft should never be your last. At WayToidea, we’re known to go through a pretty rigorous editing process.

The writer generally starts with an outline. After that’s approved, they write their first “final draft.”

And no doubt, they should think it’s pretty good. Then someone else from our team will review their post, question any claims, suggest different formats, or whatever.

Anything goes at this point. This usually ends up with a document that’s wholly highlighted in yellow with suggestions.

Then the writer makes any necessary changes and will have those reviewed one last time before publishing. This feedback loop helps us to always put our best foot forward on every post we publish.

6. Don’t Forget To Get Social

And now we’re on to our next way, which is to get social. Getting social is the perfect way to increase website traffic, free and fast.

And I’m not talking about which social media networks you should use. So the first tip is to connect with other bloggers you admire in your space.

Smart and Successful bloggers reach out to forge relationships with one another. They offer feedback, help, and often cross-promote each other’s content.

And this is often why it seems like all of the big players in your industry are friends. They started early, and they grew together.

Now, not everyone is going to want to be friends. But there’s a good chance that people in your industry want to connect.

They just don’t know you exist. At least at this point. So to get started, think of 5-10 people you admire in your space.

These might be people who run blogs and newsletters that you’re subscribed to or maybe people you follow on social.

Write their names down on a piece of paper and note something you admire about their work. Now, go and email them to connect.

Don’t ask them to share your content, review it, link to you, or ask for any favor.

Just send a genuine and straightforward email like, “Hey [name], Just wanted to say that I admire [whatever you do]. Thanks for [whatever you admire]. Cheers, [Your name]”.

I sent a similar email to the CMO. in 2017, and around a year later, we ended up working together and became good friends.

Nothing was manufactured here, and it just happened organically.

7. Build An Email List

The next social tip is to build an email list from day one. You can increase website traffic to millions by sending emails to your subscribers.

Have you ever had one of those moments where you’re trying to remember which site you were on that had that fantastic recipe, or tutorial, or whatever it was?

Well, if you had joined that email list, you’d know.

Without any kind of email opt-in forms, you’re preventing your readers from getting future content or product updates.

Building an email list also acts as an excellent way to get more traffic to new posts you publish perpetually.

And since subscribers are warmer visitors than cold traffic, some of them might share it on social, or even link to you if they have their blog.

So bottom line, start building a list from day one. Finally is to promote your content in online communities.

This is a bit of a touchy subject because you don’t want to spam Facebook groups or Reddit with things that people will get angry about.

Instead, spend your time integrating yourself into these communities. Become a recognizable name and face.

And as you see a need, share content that can help solve other group members’ problems.

If you nail it, you can get thousands of visitors. If you don’t, it can get you banned from those communities.

So share links sparingly, and spend most of your time just meeting like-minded bloggers to build mutually beneficial relationships.

8. Partner With Other Content Creator

The next method I have used to increase website traffic is to partner with other content creators.

Have you thought about co-hosting blog content? All the things where I’ll go and I’ll create content with other people, and we’ll do it on a similar topic.

So, for example, we may do a joint webinar, joint podcast. We may even do roundup posts. We may even do interviews with other people.

By partnering with other content creators, you’ll find that they’ll promote the content, and you’ll promote the content as well. But you may be like, Vishal, and I don’t have any traffic to my site. That’s okay.

That’s why I also gave you options to interview people and do roundup posts because people are always flattered to be interviewed.

People are always flattered to be included in a roundup post. And you know what, when you have X person in these posts, what are they going to do when it gets published?

They’re going to share it. When they share it on their favorite social site, what happens, you site will get more traffic.

And yeah, you may find that all of the experts may not share the content, but if you email asking them to, a large portion will. I’m talking about 30%, 40% plus.

When people interview me and ask me to share the content, I almost always share it. Giveaways, contests, or promotions.

Look, reach out to other websites in your niche, offer them something valuable to their audience, and they’ll spread the word.

When they do, your website traffic will increase.

9. Use Push Notifications

The next method is, push notifications. It’s the simplest way to keep getting more and more traffic. Just think of it this way.

Look, someone comes to your site, are they going to go back? Chances are no.

If you’re not sure about this, check out Google Analytics of the most prominent blogs. There’s a cohort report in there, and it shows you how often people come back.

You’re lucky if three months down the road, even 1% of your audience comes back. By doing those push notifications with one click, someone’s subscribed to your site.

They didn’t have to put in an email or anything, and they don’t have to give you any of their personal information.

And then any time you release more content, any new features, promotions, you can message them all out and quickly get them back to your site. And you can increase website traffic.

And you can use Subscribers to do this.

10. Run Advertisement (My Free Method)

The next thing you want to do paid ads. And you may not have a big budget, that’s okay.

Did you know many times Google AdWords will give you $50 or $100 in free ad-spend? Don’t believe me, google for it.

You’ll find a ton of offers and coupons like that. You can use it to get started, and it’ll give you a quick boost in traffic.

Yes, those visitors may not convert into customers because you may not have enough time to run the optimal campaigns, but it’s a great start.

Just try that out. You’ll get a quick boost of traffic. And you know what? If you get some sales, you can keep doing more and more of it over time.

11. Start Guest Posting To Increase Website Traffic

The next strategy to increase website traffic, I have for you is guest posting. Hit up some of the most popular guest contributors on other blogs.

For example, if my friend Neil always blogs on Forbes, I’ll hit him up, assuming he’s not a friend, but let’s say this random guy named Neil, I would hit him up being like.

“Neil, “I’m a huge fan of your work. Love what you’re doing.” And then I would give him feedback and build that connection with him.

By continually giving Jason feedback or other guest contributors feedback, teaching them how to improve, and even giving them topic suggestions, You’ll build up that rapport with them. After a few weeks to a month, then eventually, asking them to introduce you to the editor of that site.

And say, I want to follow in your footsteps “and also write on Forbes or Huffington Post” or whatever it may be. You’ll get an intro from an editor who already writes, which means technically.

You’ll get an intro from an author who writes to an editor, and what you’ll find is that editor is more likely to respond and accept you because someone who already writes for them recommended you.

When you write for them, make sure you no-follow the link if you link out to your site. You don’t want to use that as a link building tactic.

But when you link out to your site, and you no follow it, you’re not manipulating search engines, and at the same time, you’ll get referral traffic from it.

12. Commenting on Other Sites

And the Next method I have for you, comment on other blogs in your industry.

When you comment on these blogs, I’m not just saying leave stuff like, “Nice content!” “Good job!” “Thanks’ etc.

I’m talking about leaving detailed comments that provide readers with feedback.

Now when you leave a comment, right, and people are getting all this advice and feedback from you, when you leave that comment, you’ll find that it’s asking for your name and URL and comment.

You already know what to do in the comment box. Your name is your name. Your URL should be your website URL.

Then, eventually, as people like your comments, they will click on those comments, people will go to your site, and you’ll be getting more traffic to your website.

Do you know about a site called Mashable?

Petes Cashmore, the founder of Mashable, that’s what he did when he first started, that’s how he grew that site in popularity.

13. Use ‘Click To Tweet’ In Your Post

The next strategy to get more traffic to you is to use “Click to Tweet” links. This is one of the best ways to increase website traffic through social media.

Click to tweet links is one of the main reasons this post from my blog has over 6000 social media shares.

See how.

First, find something tweetable in your content. This could be a technique, strategy, quote, or statistic. For example, this post from my blog listed a bunch of list building strategies.

So I considered each strategy on the list “tweetable.” Next, create a ‘click to tweet’ link.

To do that, just head over to clicktotweet.com and write your tweet, and the tool will generate a unique link for you.

Finally, add that link to your content. Whenever someone clicks on the link, they get a prewritten tweet for easy sharing. It’s that easy.

14. Update Your Old Blog Posts

Overhaul and upgrade old blog posts. This simple strategy landed me 50.95% more traffic in seven days.

Here’s precisely how I did it.

First, I found a piece of content on my site that was out of date. And I found this guide on my blog that was outdated.

Next, I updated and improved the post.

Significantly I added new screenshots, sprinkled in new strategies and techniques, and eliminated old strategies that didn’t work anymore.

Finally, I updated the post to make the changes live. And just like that, traffic to that page shot up like a rocket ship, and this wasn’t a fluke. I recently followed a similar process with other old posts.

Instead of just updating the content, I edited it and relaunched these like a brand new post.

So I shared the post on social media and sent out an announcement to my email subscribers, which lead to a significant boost in traffic, including almost 5000 visitors in one day.

15. Go on Podcasts

Let’s dive right into the next technique to increase website traffic, go on podcasts.

Podcasts are blowing up right now. One survey found that 24% of Americans regularly listen to podcasts.

Does that mean you should grab the nearest microphone and start a podcast, no? Instead, I recommend going on other people’s podcasts as a guest.

This strategy works so well that I try to go on at least two podcasts every month. In fact, over the last few years, I’ve appeared on over 75 podcast episodes.

And these episodes have brought me tens of thousands of visitors. For example, I once got 984 laser targeted visitors from a single podcast episode.

As a bonus, you usually get at least one backlink in the show notes, which can help you rank higher in Google.

16. Get Traffic From QnA Websites

If you cannot follow the methods mentioned above or it is difficult for you, this method can prove very useful.

Because in this (on QnA Websites), you have to post 20% to 25% content of the single posts published on your blog.

So I will tell you about some top QnA websites where you can drive a lot of traffic to your website.

1. Get Tons Of Traffic From Quora

So as you know that Quora has a very high website, its ability to send referral traffic to another website or blog is equally high.

As I mentioned above, you can include hyperlinks to your site’s useful, related, and relevant articles or blogs in the answers.

When your answer to a popular question will be at the top in Quora, and your link will also be in the middle, many people will redirect it to your blog or website by clicking that link.

You will get a lot of referral traffic from Quora on your blog or website in such a situation. You may also find out more to purchase Quora upvotes at EarthWeb to drive more traffic to your online business. Now you know the direct benefits of more traffic.

2. 4 Simple Steps Get Traffic From Pinterest

Pinterest is an impressive QnA platform to increase website traffic. Just follow these four simple steps to Get Tons Of Traffic From Pinterest.

Pin Images Multiple Times In A DayThe first thing you need to know is you should be pinning multiple times a day. I’m not talking about one, or two, three times a day; I’m talking about 10-plus.

The more engaged you are in the Pinterest community by pinning, the better off you’re going to be.

1. Pin Unique Content

The second thing you need to know is you don’t have to pin unique content. Sure, if you have your content, pin it up, but if you also see other unique content on Pinterest, you can just click the save button and pin it to one of your boards.

By doing that, you’ll be able to pin a lot more content. Think of that as being something similar to sharing someone else’s Facebook update, right.

Pinterest is very similar, which when you share, or not really share, but when you save a pin, it also goes onto your board, identical to sharing someone else’s Facebook status update.

2. Pin To Related Content:

The third thing you need to know is when you’re pinning up content, try to relate that content to the products and the services you’re selling. For example, on Kissmetrics, one of our most popular traffic sources was Pinterest.

Why because we had a lot of marketing-related infographics. And these infographics would go viral. We would generate so many visitors from them because everyone would put them on Pinterest. By doing that, we were just generating tons of visitors and leads.

3. Participate In Peoples Board:

The last thing you need to know about Pinterest is you need to participate. If you’re not commenting and participating on other people’s boards, you’re not going to be growing your follower account.

If you’re not increasing your follower account, when you add new pins and new content onto your boards, they’re not going to do well. So don’t forget to participate in the community.

3. Get Massive Traffic From Medium

Medium is also an excellent QnA website to increase traffic on the blog. Like Quora, this is also another website.

Here you also have to answer the questions asked by other people. And in those answers, you have to give a link to your website.

Whenever someone reads that answer, they will visit your website through the link given by you. In this way, you can increase website traffic from the medium to millions.

4. Get Traffic From Reddit

If you share your post on Reddit, then traffic will come to your blog, and your blog will also get High-Quality Backlinks.

Some extraordinary things to note to get traffic from Reddit:-

  • Share 1 Post in only one Subreddit Group. Otherwise, your account may be closed.
  • Join the same Subreddit Group with maximum Subscriber Share 1 post only once. If you share more, then your account will be blocked.
  • Each group has different rules. Follow them, or else you will be expelled from the group.
  • Spam does not work. Reddit bans those who do spam.

17. Use LongTail Keywords To Increase Website Traffic

Keywords made up of more than three words are called “Long-tail Keywords.”

Long Tail keywords help search engines understand the content of posts. Hence Long Tail Keywords can play an essential role in increasing your website traffic. They are highly targeted. Also, help to increase organic traffic to your site.

Like, I am looking for a “How To increase Website Traffic” article, then I will not search by writing only Website Traffic.

Because I will not get accurate results, I have to search only by writing “Drive More Traffic To Website” or “get more traffic to your website.”

Bonus tip by Traffv: Use LSI keywords to find longtail keywords.

18. Do not Use Keyword Stuffing

When you enter too much or forceful keywords in the content while writing it, it is called Keyword Stuffing. Learn More About Keyword Stuffing.

For example, if you wrote a post “How to cancel Spotify account, “do not add focus keywords to it repeatedly. This creates a poor user experience for the reader under readability, and Google does not like it.

If you are looking for a WordPress SEO Guide article, then look no further. Our WordPress SEO Guide is the best you can use for your site. The latest technique related to the WordPress SEO Guide is described in this article. 

If you think that filling keywords on the page will increase your website traffic, you feel entirely wrong. This has the opposite effect on your site. This strategy leads the site to a search penalty.

19. Use H1 Tag Properly

H1 tag helps search engines understand what your page is about and boost your ranking.

But after the rest of the heading tags do not play an essential role for your site. There are many WordPress themes in the market that do not use H1 tags for titles.

If you use such a theme for your blog or website, then you should use the H1 tag for your title.

  • Never use the H1 tag more than once.

Apart from this, Heading Tags help you to create a readable blog post.

If you write a post whose length is 5000-6000 words, but you have not used proper heading tags, it will be difficult for the reader to read that post.

Write content on the related trending article from your blog niche. This can help you to increase website traffic quickly.

If your blog ranks on the first page of Google on trending articles, your website or blog can quickly get millions of traffic. You can use Google Trends to find trending articles.

21. Use CDN To Increase Website Traffic Organically

CDN improves your site performance. It creates a Cache version of your site’s content on its servers and serves the users’ range through the servers closest to the user’s locations.

This reduces your server load and improves website loading speed. There are many CDN services available in the market.

Currently, I use Cloudflare CDN on my site. It is a top-rated CDN service that also provides SSL in the free plan.


Now, I’m wondering if you have any blogging tips that I’ve missed.

The strategies I told you here, will help you to increase website traffic 101%. But you cannot boost your traffic overnight. This is a long time process.

You have to be patient in this. But keep in mind one thing quality content is very important. If you use all these techniques on your site but ignore quality content, all your hard work is useless.

Google will not rank your content well in search results, and your website will not be able to get traffic from search engines. So content is king always, focus on quality content.

If you like my post, then please share it on social media. And which methods do you use to increase website traffic? Comment below.

Also Read:

What is traffic to a website?

Traffic Definition According to Wikipedia: Web traffic is the amount of data sent and received by visitors to a website. This necessarily does not include the traffic generated by bots. Since the mid-1990s, web traffic has been the largest portion of Internet traffic. This is determined by the number of visitors and the number of pages they visit.

How can I increase email traffic?

1. Build email list continuosly.
2. Send emails when you publish new posts.

Why is website traffic important?

The importance of a website for sales cannot be overstated. By having an online presence through your website, you are able to reach more consumers. The more consumers you reach online, the more opportunities you have to make a sale. … With a website, you can sell your products and services around-the-clock.

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Vishal Meena
Vishal Meena

Hey! I'm Vishal Meena from Rajasthan, India. A Digital Marketer and founder of WayToidea. I Share Strategies Related to Blogging, SEO and Digital Marketing.


  1. I think I should experiment with the Quora and Medium platforms to see if it makes a difference. My website doesn’t get enough traffic. Until now I didn’t know about Subscribers. I don’t see any noticeable progress, but I have no intention to give up. I will go to any length to have my website ranked on Google. Thanks for your post, it was very informative and helpful. See you at the top!

  2. Hello Vishal, your post is informative but too long, bro can you share some sites regarding Guest post? I am facing low traffic issue on my site i need some help and also can pay for the guest post submissions or high DA backlinks etc.

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